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Sunday, 7 November 2010

X factor analysis 7th November

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So ahead of the publication of the results tonight we thought we would again show analysis of the tweets that have been published around the Xfactor this week.

This time around, we will try to take into account the bias that seemed to show through with twitter from last week. Although we consistently had Belle Amie in the bottom two we also had Paije performing poorly and yet he was not in the bottom two. In addition, Katie was voted into the bottom two and we had thought she would be safe based on online comments and was only saved as Belle Amie had fewer votes than her.

The analysis of the online content for this week can be seen in the graph below (with the dates shown on the bottom, with yesterday's tweets coming through for the 6th Nov), which shows the ranking for each contestant against each other (i.e. 1st means that they scored the highest for that particular day):

Normalised sentiment analysis scores for lowest scoring Xfactor contestants

We have included Cher and Mary this week as both of their scores were of a similar level to Aiden.

The analysis is interesting for a number of reasons.  Firstly we can see a definite trend with respect to Paije, and for the first time we see a large number of positive comments about him coming through on twitter.  The comments for Cher started off as the highest ranking but dropped towards the end of the week and on Saturday in particular, which is a worry for her.

The same goes for Aiden, who has a worrying trend for him in that he is consistently near the bottom end of the scores.  Perhaps people are struggling to relate to his intense singing style?  Mary should also perhaps be concerned since a good trend in tweets during the week is reversed on the Saturday, perhaps reflecting her poor performance on the night.

Trayc yet again does not score highly, and would appear from this analysis at least to be at risk.  However this was also the case last week, and the twitter demographic does not necessarily match the voting public.

Yet again perhaps to some people's surprise Wagner does not appear on this list as his scores were far in excess of the ones listed here.

We will pick up this analysis tomorrow, after the bottom two and eviction of one of the contestants has been completed.

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