We are rapidly losing contestants now, and so we can look at examining the scores for them all together. The figure below looks at the analysis for each contestant based on tweets over the past week. Each day is analysed separately, and is shown in terms of how close in context each contestant is to words such as 'win'.
The graph shows the rank of each contestant for each day. So Wagner actually scores the best for almost every day (i.e. he ranks as number 1), whereas Mary and Rebecca are scoring poorly with one of them normally 7th (i.e. worst rank) with the other 6th.
As we can see in the figure, there is a huge amount of support for Wagner, which would suggest that he will be safe again this week. This may surprise some people but shows the depth of feeling and perhaps the unique British sense of humour that is looking to produce an unusual winner for this most popular show. Certainly, there has been a campaign online to keep Wagner in the competition, and judging by the analysis here that is certainly being successful. Whether the twitter public want to wind up Simon Cowell or whether they genuinely enjoy Wagner's performances, the end result appears to be that he will again be safe this week, if the general public reflects the view on twitter.
This analysis may not however reflect the views of the voting public, which as has been shown previously has a different demographic to that one twitter. However, it will be interesting to see if his support continues to the same level should he indeed remain in the show when we start to approach the final.
In terms of who is in trouble, the bottom two according to the analysis on twitter is again Mary and Rebecca. We can see that these two were the bottom two last week as well, which is a worry for both of them since we can see that their support is therefore consistent. Last week however Cher and Paije were in the actual bottom two of the show, suggesting that Mary and Rebecca's support if under-represented on twitter. If we look at Cher's support last week and compare to this week, we see that she is doing better this week than last, suggesting that she may be ok and avoid the bottom two.
Katie as always is towards the bottom of the analysis, and we see an opposite trend for her. Whereas last week she performed better on our twitter analysis (finishing above Cher), after yesterday's show she has dropped into our bottom three, suggesting that she will be in trouble as she has a vocal support on twitter that is over-represented when compared to the general public.
This evenings show is a double elimination, so TWO people will go. Going from our analysis then, two of Mary, Rebecca and Katie look likely to go, however as we know this does not always reflect the views of the voting public. It will be interesting to see how the votes pan out! Will Wagner remain in the show to sing another week?
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