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Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Twitter Analysis: BP 210,000 tweets analysed, emerging stories and trends over a week
Twitter Analysis
Our twitter analysis packages start at only £300 per month, for more details on the packages please view our website products page. The keywords used here are: BP, Obama, Cost, Ocean. The cost of this analysis below would be only £400 a month, so only £100 for the weekly analysis as demonstrated in this BP example. Incredible value for reputation management, and market research and other PR and marketing listening and measurement activities.
Contextual trend analysis of BP
We have analysed twitter responses about BP in context over a week period, 06.06.10 to 12.06.10.
Source: 210,000 twitter comments.
BP & Obama
In twitter comments mentioning BP, Obama was mentioned most regularly in the following context:
06.06.10 – spoken, hasn’t, directly, captured, being.
07.06.10 – spoken, hasn’t, president, doesn’t, administration, boot, neck, American.
08.06.10 – lashes, media, chief, afp, barack, fire, crisis.
09.06.10 – downplays, number, attack, enemy, public, osama, guardian, fears.
10.06.10 Day 3 – chairman, week, meet, invites, administration, update, Washington, allen.
11.06.10 – Britain, bullying, stop, demonising, says, cantor, eric, news.
12.06.10 – promise, ready, president, suspend, executives, retain, cash, mee (Massey Energy Co.)
The individual words build a story of Obama's reaction to the BP disaster.
BP & Cost
In twitter comments mentioning BP, cost was mentioned most regularly in the following tweet context:07.06.10 – billion, far, captures, reach, cleanup, same, current.
08.06.10 – florida, report, 195, jobs, real, flow, billions.
09.06.10 – pressure, political, default, company, soar, swaps, back, then.
10.06.10 – jobs, billion, 195, dollars, workers, fla, dollars, workers, 189.
11.06.10 - cost, real, estate, billion, coud, values, property, homeowners, clean.
12.06.10 - began, shares, almost, value, halved, people, mcartney, derek.
Over time, different costs emerge giving a wider picture of the far reaching negative effects of the BP disaster.
BP & Ocean
In twitter comments mentioning BP, ocean was mentioned most regularly in tweets containing these words:
06.06.10 – wants, fake, twitter, mocking, shut, ruining, account, nice.
07.06.10 – new, black, tumblr, blue, usual, replacing, fire, rig.
08.06.10 – shut, account, ruining, response, thats, company, ryanvaughan, acct.
09.06.10 – wants, fake, mocking, account, shut, ruining, company, want.
10.06.10 – million, campaign, spending, cleaning, agree, boycotting, too, aral.
11.06.10 – let,destroy, products, list, cannot, global, break, repercussions.
12.06.10 – let, destroy, list, won, products, destroying, cannot, break.
It appears in a backlash to BPs damage to the Ocean, there is an ongoing attempt to ruin BPs image with a infamous fake BP twitter account and list of products to boycott.
BP in context
The most common words surrounding BP continually over the week period are: spill, oil, news, Mexico, leak, gulf, disaster. The other top words surrounding BP in tweets are:06.06.10 – well, broken, captures, cap, containment, capturing, far, working, increasing, Won, chief, quit, florida, protest, dozens, reuters, news, yahoo.
07.06.10 – news, google, buys, search, words, real, keep, people, yahoo, coast, clean, guard, take, years, drilling, May, impacting, 120.
08.06.10 – google, buys, top, result, has, sponsored, links, purchased, appear, mashable, search, yahoo, terms, words, news, people, real, keep, engine, phrases, folks.
09.06.10 – leak, plans, clean, stop, hours, solid, contingency, complete, mexico, are, govt, doing, truth, leaders, speaks, citizen, spill—the, sharing, music, owes, damaging.
10.06.10 – Costner, day, water, million, Kevin, machines, gallons, sells, recycle, patent, technology, ignored, been, abt, remarks, making, snarky, barrels, new, gulf.
11.06.10 – are, doing, govt, leaders, truth, speaks, citizen, spill—the, could, video, cats, Nsfw, /via, kim, deals, coffee, know, needs, plug.
12.06.10 – obama, barack, nick, clegg, doing, are, truth, speaks, govt, citizen, spill—the, leaders, failures, fighting, can, gusher, made, worse, woes.The above words show that new stories and trends in context with BP are emerging daily.
We can analyse blogs, forums, and twitter comments seperately or combine all comments to demonstrate a wider picture on a topic across all these digital sources.
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